Arcadia Foundation Art Collection
The Arcadia Foundation has a significantly valuable collection of works of art, consisting of paintings by various authors covering a period from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century: from Old Masters, to Renaissance artists, not to mention the series of views of Venice executed between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries by Giovanni Antonio Canal, known as “Canaletto,” an ancestor of the Founders.
With a view to the complete and necessary enhancement of its artistic heritage, Arcadia Foundation has initiated a project entirely aimed at the preservation and exhibition of its collection with the opening of a Museum in the city of Lugano of world-class status.
This program, in addition to leading to the census of the entire collection, will contribute to the creation of a searchable database online at
Arts, Activities and Cultural Heritage
The sector is divided into two areas of focus:
- Arts and cultural activities
- Protection and Enhancement of Historical and Artistic Heritage
Historically the focus of the Arcadia Foundation’s programming, the Sector, within its area of operation, pursues the following guidelines:
SUPPORT FOR ARTISTIC PRODUCTION – promotion and enhancement of visual arts and creations of artistic (music, theater, film) and literary interpretations;
EDUCATIONAL DIMENSION OF ART – support for actions aimed at the involvement and development of new audiences (young people in particular) with educational purposes – “Audience development.”
SOCIAL DIMENSION OF CULTURE – support for actions to sustain participation and cultural experience through contemporary artistic production, creativity, and social inclusion for the welfare of the community – “participating citizen.”
ECONOMIC DIMENSION OF CULTURE – support for integration activities with related productive sectors, in this indirectly promoting the local business fabric and tourism
SUPPORTING THE RESPONSIBILITY of the community in the protection and preservation of historical and artistic heritage
Arts and Cultural Activities
main goal is to nurture a renewed production that can, on the one hand, revive Lugano in the art scene internationally, and on the other hand, promote artistic styles and languages that can speak to the contemporary community.
Another goal will be to support creativity in its various forms: a new engine to affect the revitalization of the cultural enterprise, ensuring sustainable actions over time and contributing to the construction of new career paths and encouraging education in culture from the earliest years of schooling.
Design and implementation of activities related to the art exhibition sector, with special attention to artists who stand out for the quality of artistic direction and the proposed project, for the national and international relevance of the hosted artists, for the innovation and multidisciplinary nature of the proposed projects, for the enhancement of emerging creativity, and for the connection of cultural offerings with tourism;
Support for facilities and infrastructures that operate in the performing arts and that can host or facilitate the production, training and enjoyment of cultural activities, with special attention to interventions in education, promotion and active participation of the public and new generations, including in co-design;
initiatives divulgative on art, local history and literary production (exhibitions, conferences, awards, celebrations, etc.) by promoting access to culture for a wide audience through diversified projects with other areas such as social, education, youth training.
Protection and Enhancement of Historical and Artistic Heritage
By rationalizing resources and measuring the achievement of set project goals, the Arcadia Foundation pursues a model of territorial collaboration for restoration projects by fostering the sustainability of interventions in collaboration and sharing with local institutions.
This process will also prioritize the enhancement of historical and artistic heritage with the aim of achieving a more participatory public reception through new promotion strategies among different partners in the area.
Support activities to enhance the value of works of art, archives, scientific research, libraries and cultural places, in line with national and international communication and enhancement programs;
in the field of restoration and authentication of works of art, promoting actions of integrated planning and shared with institutional stakeholders, with a specific focus on historic-artistic heritage;
Scientific and technological research
this sector has always been geared toward nurturing research opportunities for young people and enhancing, with state-of-the-art instrumentation, laboratories and centers of excellence by establishing valuable collaborations with established partners: from universities, National Institutes to Inter-University Research Consortia.
Through support for scientific and technological research projects, it is intended to promote and enhance human capital as an engine of innovation and nurture the local productive fabric.
The main goal pursued by the Foundation is to bring the world of research closer to the world of art.
In addition, it is intended to continue the application of a new methodological approach in the topics of historical-scientific research, with a specific focus on further enhancing the excellence of the area.
Education and Training
The uncertainty of the future, the current economic scenario and new professions make the educational supply system fragile, posing challenges that are not easy for which not only schools are called upon to play their part.
To this end, the Foundation will support a multifaceted system of actions to accompany young people on the journey to new skills in the art world.
We want to enhance accessibility to education and training to help enter the art world.
In this sense, it is intended to work on several dimensions of intervention, on the one hand to increase the average level of education and on the other hand to strengthen the skills and abilities that foster a person’s specialization.
Protection and Preservation of Art
The protection of art, its preservation and enhancement are clearly recognized values of the Foundation, which, aware of the vastness of the issues included in this scope, has seen fit to circumscribe on specific projects.
The Foundation reaffirms its support for the best-known local institutions, boosting their capacity for action in the area with the aim of engaging young people, nurturing their culture and respect for art with a view to greater dissemination of lifestyles.
Also crucial will be restoring greater accessibility to museum spaces, with an eye toward greater sensitivity to local communities and families.
Direct Projects
These are often multi-year initiatives, which are in most cases conceived internally within the four areas of intervention, for which the Foundation decides to intervene directly from planning and implementation to management, organization and monitoring activities.
Instrumental Subjects
The Foundation will participate with the aim of indirectly supporting the implementation of specific activities in certain areas such as the preservation of environmental heritage, the promotion of contemporary art, the enhancement of artistic craftsmanship, and the development of legal-financial studies for investment in the art world.